Monday, April 27, 2009


Let me remind you that it is the END of April. May starts in 4 days. Something is wrong here. I don't like snow during the winter...I like it even less in the spring!

What else? Well, let's see. I've got a pain in my ribs. No, not a pain, that's wrong. More like a breathing pressure. It's not in my chest, so I know it's not anything respiratory--and while I've been around a lot of people who've been in Mexico recently, they don't have any symptoms and they're all nurses, so handwashing is a major priority, with or without the pandemic threat. It's not scary enough for me to see my doctor and I kind of think it's because I've been sitting so much--studying, writing papers, work, etc. So what I really need to do is a lot of stretching and a lot of building up of the core muscles to counteract all the sitting I've been doing!

I had plans to hand in a paper today (I did send in the powerpoint slides for the presentation this morning), but there's SO MUCH I want to write about. I'm at work now and I should be able to spend a bit of time finishing it up. This prof has been SO LENIENT with me, it's been awesome. Helps that I rocked his class last semester and spent the whole time talking to him. :)

I have to do my taxes this week. I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday (as far as I know), so will do them up then. Yeah yeah I don't usually leave it 'til the last day (sorry Uncle Doug!) but the past two months have been so busy it hasn't been very high on my priority list!

I've picked up a ton of shifts in July & August (and I'm sure quite a few will pop up in May & June), so I'm not particularly stressed about finding a "real job," but at the same time, I feel like I'm putting pressure on myself to DO something. *sigh* I kind of think this rib pain might be a little bit of anxiety building up--what with writing this paper, working, personal stuff, blah blah blah--and I need to bleed this anxiety off. Well, not bleed literally. :) But get rid of it! That's what the May Workout Challenge is for! :)

Right, so "real job." This is a direction I've really been praying about. If I stay in Lethbridge, I'd like to work at the college or the university and I'm actually going to talk to a lady in HR about working at the university, so that's good. But some other ummm educational opportunities seem to be presenting themselves, so I think I'm going to pursue that too to see if God keeps that door open or shuts it. It wasn't even a door I was looking for, but fell through that leads me to think that God is pointing me in that direction. It combines music and ministry, which would be awesome.


  1. Hey, I'm prayin' for ya re: your path/direction. We are in the same boat! ;-)

    BTW - loved your post on pigeons! LOL!

  2. I am SO glad that we can pray for each other!!!

    I'm really enjoying working on my writing...I'm trying to write like a speak and trying to work on my storytelling/perspective. Glad you liked the pigeons post! :)
