Wednesday, May 27, 2009

song #7

George Canyon's Ring of Fire. Yes, an original Johnny Cash, but I do like this version. I did NOT like Adam Lambert's version on this season's American Idol!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I am trying to give up junk food.

Why?'s processed, has high calories, and of no nutritional value. And in it's own way is an unhealthy addiction. Of course when I was out walking this morning I was thinking "oooooo I should stop at KFC on my way home. KFC is chicken. Chicken is good. And their fries & gravy....." Yeah, ain't it funny how the brain works?!!? Argh! So I didn't go. I avoided driving past any fast food restaurants and stopped in at Sobey's to buy salad stuff, bell peppers, etc. It's not easy, you know. There's so much "easy" food out there and I am not really a fan of hunkering down with a bag of sunflower seeds and a book is more my nutritional speed. :/ But I have to change that, I really really do!!

In other news..ha! what other news?!? I changed my apartment around and gave it a pretty good cleaning. I lost the cap to my olive oil bottle under the stove (bugger!). I am applying left right and centre for jobs at the university and college because, frankly, those are the two places I'd like to work. I got a wiifit and am trying to use it daily (I quite like the ski jump and the hula hoop!). The date that I thought might turn into something more didn't...or hasn't. BOO! :)

OK, I think that's enough in the way of "news" :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

to do

Up this morning at 530, but finally saw sense and went back to bed at 730. Up an hour later and met Lesley at Henderson for our usual walk. The bugs are getting pretty bad, so we're trying a new route tomorrow.

Today's TO DOs:

-CLEAN BATHROOM (this is priority #1)
-put dishes away
-change room around (this is a seasonal thing...I usually have a spring/summer room and a fall/winter room). :)
-pick up 2X2s at Home Hardware
-UofL bookstore ($2 book sale!!)
-Stop thinking about you know who (work in progress)

Ok, I guess I should get to the bathroom cleaning. Once it's done, I'll feel better!

Today's song could perhaps be on my Top 10. I love the lyrics and the simplicity of it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Song #8

I remember my Mom introducing me to this song--to all 50s 60s music actually--and this has long remained a favourite. If you need to smile, listen to this song!

I watched Fireproof yesterday. I've heard a lot about it from friends whose churches have hosted it, so when I saw it on the shelf at the video store, I decided to rent it. Plus, Kirk Cameron was my second big celebrity crush (Chris Atkins was the first), I couldn't resist.

Phew. Talk about a tearjerker! It wasn't the best movie filmed and some of the dialogue was fakey fakey, but it did have a good message about needing Jesus. I think the Love Dare can be practiced in all kinds of relationships--take that extra time to really connect with someone else and make them feel valued.

Introducing people to Jesus, to a RELATIONSHIP, is something that I've been working on recently. Not that I'm forcing myself to do it, but I'm watching for it in conversations. A few people that I've been talking to have really shown a hunger for God and I just want to remain open to building that relationship and talking about all things faith related. Am I making sense? I don't want to be someone who shoves Jesus down someone's throat, then leaves them so I can move on to the next person. I me that seems more damaging than healing or loving. I want to build that friendship so that they see Jesus in every part of life. That He isn't a crutch, but a part of the everyday, the mundane, the spectacular, the challenging...

For sure I need to build Jesus more into my everyday. Which is why it's a relationship, right? It takes work and commitment. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Song #9

Song 9 is Oh Yeah, from the Ferris Bueller's Day Off soundtrack (that title sounds it wrong?) Loved this song the moment I heard it and still have it on my workout mix. :)

We'll try for more serious writing tomorrow.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Song #10

One more night of work left in this set of 3. It's been ssllllllooooooowwwwww. Last night was much better than the first one because I actually got some sleep and the doctor-on-call bought us pizza and I kept myself busy.

It's 330 now and I'm feeling pretty good. I'll probably try for another nap around 6 or 7, but for now I'm feeling OK. I should REALLY do laundry!!

I've been trying to think of some of my Top 5 or 10 songs. Song 10 is Simple Minds "Don't You (Forget About Me)" from the Breakfast Club soundtrack. When this song came out I was in grade 8 and it was not too long before we moved from Saskatchewan to Alberta, so it was one of those songs that means a lot and has always stuck in my head.