Sunday, April 4, 2010


A little bit of a confession: I suck at money management. It's something that God has been err gently pointing out to me over the last little while. I've made a point to tithe, but it's the rest of it that I need to work on. It's not like I don't have enough money either, because I do. Or that I don't pay my bills, because I do (and I'm generally a month or so ahead in that department). Or that I'm deeply in debt, because I'm not (the whole idea of being tens of thousands in credit card debt scares the living crap out of me--heck, even thousands of dollars scares me!). It's just the whole SAVING money thing.

So that's my Easter Day Resolution :) To stop spending money unnecessarily and to really focus on being more accountable to myself about how I do spend money. I don't think it's about storing up "treasure" here on earth, but it's about being smart and grown up.

Man, being a grown up sucks sometimes. ;)

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