Friday, May 8, 2009

Song #8

I remember my Mom introducing me to this song--to all 50s 60s music actually--and this has long remained a favourite. If you need to smile, listen to this song!

I watched Fireproof yesterday. I've heard a lot about it from friends whose churches have hosted it, so when I saw it on the shelf at the video store, I decided to rent it. Plus, Kirk Cameron was my second big celebrity crush (Chris Atkins was the first), I couldn't resist.

Phew. Talk about a tearjerker! It wasn't the best movie filmed and some of the dialogue was fakey fakey, but it did have a good message about needing Jesus. I think the Love Dare can be practiced in all kinds of relationships--take that extra time to really connect with someone else and make them feel valued.

Introducing people to Jesus, to a RELATIONSHIP, is something that I've been working on recently. Not that I'm forcing myself to do it, but I'm watching for it in conversations. A few people that I've been talking to have really shown a hunger for God and I just want to remain open to building that relationship and talking about all things faith related. Am I making sense? I don't want to be someone who shoves Jesus down someone's throat, then leaves them so I can move on to the next person. I me that seems more damaging than healing or loving. I want to build that friendship so that they see Jesus in every part of life. That He isn't a crutch, but a part of the everyday, the mundane, the spectacular, the challenging...

For sure I need to build Jesus more into my everyday. Which is why it's a relationship, right? It takes work and commitment. :)


  1. I'm doing the "dare" right now! It's hard!!!!!

    BTW - like your new blog name/design.

  2. Thanks!

    What day are you on? What's the hardest part about it? Has it changed you?
    I should go looking for it and see how I can apply it to my life!!

  3. I'm on day 9 (tomorrow 10). I was telling Sherman that so far it's making me feel like a HORRIBLE wife. He was quick to reassure me that he disagrees, but in all honesty it's pointing out to me just how selfish I am in our relationship. A humbling experience to be sure.

  4. I'm sure you are a WONDERFUL wife!! I hope it's an encouraging book, too. :)
