Saturday, April 3, 2010


Oops. No devotional book today. I drove right past Dove Christian Supplies but ummm...I was in the wrong lane and there was a lot of traffic. Does that sound plausible? :) Another day!

Since January I have lost *drum roll* 20 pounds. Hallelujah (in English and whatever other languages you can think of!)! :) For the first 8 or 9 weeks I "worked with" a trainer. Meaning, he told me what to eat and how much to exercise and I paid him money to ignore what he said. :/ I did like having his voice in my head reminding me to exercise, but a couple of weeks ago when I told him about being sick (for 2 weeks) and not doing a lot of exercise or eating right as a result, he got a little snotty and all I could hear then was my dad's voice. And since my dad was an abusive shit, it wasn't well-received or appreciated. (I know, the trainer didn't know that, nor did I expect him to be enlightened) Needless to say, we are on a "break" and I have done quite well without him. :) Except for the consistent exercise. Here are my excuses :D 1-It's been windy. I don't do walking in Lethbridge Wind. 2-I've been busy. 2 jobs, need I say more? :) I do have a gym membership, I just haven't made the effort to go lately.

Anyway. I'm working on kindness to myself as I said before and not looking on everything I do in terms of losing weight as "torture." More like changing my perspective to embrace honouring the body God has given me. Health is an important issue for me and I STILL believe that God will heal my kidneys and I will have no more need of dialysis. Is that crazy? :) Ha. No, I guess that's faith! :) It's weird, but I really do believe it. But I also have this deep-rooted feeling that there has to be more health-wise stuff going on in my life--emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical. You know?

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