Thursday, April 30, 2009


Getting up early and heading to the lake for a walk hit new earlies this morning thanks to the husband-wife pigeon team trying to exercise their conjugal relations outside my window at 6am. Seriously. Is that not TOO EARLY for that sort of business? There was much flapping of wings and I think the wife really was telling him to piss off. If she wasn't, I did with the spray of a bottle full of vinegar-water. That'll put a kink in the mood, I'm sure! :)

So at 7am I was tootling my way around the lake (it's 3km around, just so y'all don't think I'm doing marathons early in the morning). It was a little on the brisk side, but the sun was shining!! Nary a cloud in sight, thank the good Lord! There were a few other early morning souls out there walking dogs, running, being all sorts of healthy.

Which is a GREAT segue into my next topic. Man, I'm good! *toot toot*

Turned the TV on when I got home and Joyce Meyer's Everyday Living was on. I like Joyce Meyer's. She's more pentecostal than I will ever be, but she's got a zest for living and a zest for God that is refreshing. Plus, she's a great speaker. She was speaking today on the health of our bodies.

Her question was this: "If God lives in you, how are you taking care of it (your body)?" I love this question because it's so true. Think about the food we eat, the compromises we make in nutrition or exercise. I know I do. This morning for example. Ok, so I went for a walk and I'm meeting up with Lesley later this morning to go again, but when I got home, I didn't feel like taking the pot I needed out of the dishwasher so I could boil an egg. Ummm. Yeah, ridonkulous. I do have an egg boiling NOW, but at first I was just going to forego it because I couldn't be bothered.

Here's the thing: I NEED the protein. I don't like eggs if they're not boiled (I can also tolerate poached, but that's more of a restaurant thing).

Anyway. How often does that happen? Probably quite often.
And here's something else that kind of scared me. I've been watching Biggest Loser this season and they showed before-and-after MRI results from one of the contestants(Ron) and the FAT packed around his heart and organs before he lost over 100 pounds was SCARY. I've never thought about that before. Why we are not educated in regards to this stuff, I don't know. We should be.

I want to lose 20-30 pounds over the next few months 1-because I need to, 2-because I want to be healthier, and 3-because my body is a temple of the living God and I need to treat it better. I need to do some housekeeping!


  1. Amen sista. I need to do the same. Shall we hold each other accountable long distance? ;-)

  2. Yes!! I like that idea! :) Accountability is goooooood.
