Sunday, April 19, 2009


Not a great day seems that graduating from this bloody university is going to be done with a bit of a struggle. I got a D+ in my stats class last semester, about which I was pretty excited actually. I DIDN'T FAIL! :) Turns out, I need to have a C- in order to graduate. :/ I e-mailed the prof and asked him if there was anything that could be done to bump my grade or if I could do an extra assignment or something. No go from his end, apparently. He did suggest that I try to work the system to see if they'll re-consider that particular criterion for that course. *sigh* My motivation plummeted.

Not graduating also affects job prospects. Not that I've been particularly aggressive in looking for a job (I do have a position in NICU, but it's not really enough to live off of and it's a .30FTE which means no benefits). But still. *more sigh*

Did I take completely the wrong path? Did I "waste" a year? The verse that's been running pretty constantly through my mind is from Hebrews: "never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." Oh, but I sure wish I didn't feel alone in this! Because right now I have no clue what to do. No plans, no idea, nothing..

And I definitely hate being in that position...I like KNOWING. Which is probably why I'm in exactly the position I'm in. I seriously wish God would get my attention in different, with a new car :) or a $10,000 cheque :P You know...something like that. A car with a big bow on it saying "With Love, from God" ;)

Ahhhh but at least I can laugh. And I trust in the provision of God, and I know that despite not feeling it, I am in the centre of His love, and always in His thoughts. And that HE does have a plan, even if I don't.
Thank God for that!

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